National Institute of Technology, Kagoshima College

土木学会論文集. II

土木学会 = Proceedings of JSCE. II, Hydraulic and sanitary engineering / Japan Society of Civil Engineers. -- 1 (1984.5)-74 (2006.2). -- 土木学会, 1984. <SB01762533>

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No. Library Location Call No Volume Available Years/Months Accession status user1
0001 NIT, Kagoshima College 二階書庫 1-12, 14-62 1984-2003
No. 0001
Library NIT, Kagoshima College
Location 二階書庫
Call No
Volume 1-12, 14-62
Available Years/Months 1984-2003
Accession status

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 土木学会論文集. II / 土木学会 = Proceedings of JSCE. II, Hydraulic and sanitary engineering / Japan Society of Civil Engineers
ドボク ガッカイ ロンブンシュウ. II
Volumes and Years of Serial 1 (1984.5)-74 (2006.2)
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 土木学会 , 1984.5-2006.2
physical description area 冊 ; 26cm
variant titles 異なりアクセスタイトル:Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers. II
variant titles その他のタイトル:Journal of hydraulic, coastal and environmental engineering
note 表紙の責任表示は22 (1993.2)まで
note 並列タイトル変更: Proceedings of JSCE. II, Hydraulic and sanitary engineering (-22 (1993.2))→Journal of hydraulic, coastal and environmental engineering (23 (1993.5)-)
note 英文目次題字欄タイトル変更: Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers. II (4 (1985.11)-22 (1993.2))→Journal of hydraulic, coastal and environmental engineering (23 (1993.5)-)
note 「土木学会論文集」<AN10014020>としての巻次を併記. 1 (1984.5)は「土木学会論文集」No. 345 (1985.5)
note 「土木学会論文集」の巻次での所蔵記録は書誌レコード<AN10014020>に集中する
NCID AA11885845
text language code Japanese
frequency of publication code Quarterly
ISSN 02897806
author link 土木学会
ドボク ガッカイ <NC:DA0012563X>