National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College

Introduction to the principles of mechanics

Walter Hauser. -- Addison-Wesley Pub. Co, 1965. -- (Addison-Wesley series in physics)(Addison-Wesley world student series). <BB01871723>

HoldingsList 1-1 of about 1

No. Volumes Library Location Call No Material ID Status user1 Due Date
0001 NIT, Tsuyama College Library(400) 423||H 000027928 Loaned out 2017/5/19
No. 0001
Library NIT, Tsuyama College
Location Library(400)
Call No 423||H
Material ID 000027928
Status Loaned out
Due Date 2017/5/19

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area Introduction to the principles of mechanics / Walter Hauser
publication,distribution,etc.,area Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Pub. Co , c1965
physical description area xii, 515 p. : ill. ; 22 cm
parent bibliography link Addison-Wesley series in physics <BB00070250>//a
parent bibliography link Addison-Wesley world student series <BB01343180>//a
note Bibliography: p. 492
note Includes index
NCID BA10877781
text language code English
author link *Hauser, Walter, 1924- <NC:DA04690501>
classification LCC:QA805
classification DC:531.01517
subject headings Mechanics, Analytic