法律家 from books.google.com
本书详述了张耀曾一生的法政行动, 通过张耀曾反观民初法律与政治的整体生态, 梳理民初法律与政治演变过程, 探索中国宪政与司法独立的早期历史及其经验教训.
法律家 from books.google.com
《普通法》具有浓厚的历史色彩,是对各个部门法的历史性辨析,被誉为“美国人写过的最好的法律书”《普通法》展示了我们所不熟悉的法律体系的生长过程,它主要是由法官—— ...
法律家 from books.google.com
In this sixth edition of Law 101, Jay Feinman provides an authoritative and up-to-date overview of the American legal system.
法律家 from books.google.com
Addressing all these problems and more is renowned legal scholar Brian Z. Tamanaha. Piece by piece, Tamanaha lays out the how and why of the crisis and the likely consequences if the current trend continues.
法律家 from books.google.com
In this fifth edition of his bestselling classic, Jay Feinman provides an authoritative and up-to-date overview of the American legal system.
法律家 from books.google.com
This book is the first to gather in a single volume concise biographies of the most eminent men and women in the history of American law.
法律家 from books.google.com
This book is perfect for the soon-to-be law school student or the current 1L and speaks to the growing number of first-generation law students in America.
法律家 from books.google.com
さまざまな事件を通じて露呈したアメリカの法律家達の生態が、まことになまなましく、きわめて具体的な形で画き出されている。事実認定こそ勝負、ということを信条とする実 ...
法律家 from books.google.com
Perhaps most important, we learn that law is voluminous and complex, but accessible to everyone."--BOOK JACKET.