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... 工学講座 2 )今岡賀雄東共立社"昭 9.6 724 + 2 寫真電送(實驗工学講座・ B -10 合本第 5 卷) 100 丹羽保次郎著昭 8.12 225 + 5 真空管並に共高周波工学上の応千葉茂太郎著用 106 昭 8.6 227 最近のラ 102 真空管星合正治著春陽堂昭 23.2 ジオ技術 678 102 ...
真空管工学 from books.google.com
12Vの低電圧で真空管アンプの情感ある音を生み出す。 本書では、12Vという電圧の制限を課して真空管アンプを製作します。通常使われる200Vから400Vという高い電圧を使用した真空 ...
真空管工学 from books.google.com
The phrase "high technology" is perhaps one of the more overused descriptions in our technical vocabulary.
真空管工学 from books.google.com
What’s New in This Edition Includes two new chapters on properties of materials and RF system maintenance and troubleshooting Contains updates and additions in most chapters Identifies key applications for commercial and scientific ...
真空管工学 from books.google.com
The aim of this book is to give the reader useful knowledge about electron tube technology in the application of audio amplifiers, including their power supplies, for the design and DIY construction of these electron tube amplifiers.
真空管工学 from books.google.com
This book fulfills the needs of engineers and technicians who specify, procure, design, develop, test, manufacture, operate and service tubes, power supply/modulators and complete transmitters for radar, ECM and communications and broadcast ...
真空管工学 from books.google.com
... 真空管(和田正信著) ·工 523 真空電子工学(山本賢三著)・工 523 真空管を含む線型回路網の理論(川上正光著)・工 426 神宮と憲法(神社新報社政教研究室)・哲 621 真空管回路(千葉茂太郎著)・·工 523 真空と材料文献抄録 1963 年版(真空協会,真空用金属研究 ...
真空管工学 from books.google.com
This book gives an overview of modern cathodes and electron emitters for vacuum tubes and vacuum electron devices in general.
真空管工学 from books.google.com
Nineteen experts from the electronics industry, research institutes and universities have joined forces to prepare this book.
真空管工学 from books.google.com
Providing examples of applications, this handbook examines the underlying technology of each type of power vacuum tube device in common use today.