National Institute of Technology, Sendai College


田丸謙二編. -- 技報堂, 1973. -- (現代無機化学講座 / 山辺武郎[ほか]編 ; 8). <BB01260957>
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No. Volumes Library Location Call No Material ID Status user1 Due Date Reservation
0001 NIT, Sendai(Natori) College (名取)2F開架書架 435||ケン||8 900008154 0items
No. 0001
Library NIT, Sendai(Natori) College
Location (名取)2F開架書架
Call No 435||ケン||8
Material ID 900008154
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Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 反応速度と触媒 / 田丸謙二編
ハンノウ ソクド ト ショクバイ
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 技報堂 , 1973
physical description area 2, 6, 278p ; 22cm
parent bibliography link 現代無機化学講座 / 山辺武郎[ほか]編||ゲンダイ ムキ カガク コウザ <BB00344636> 8//b
NCID BN01302066
text language code Japanese
author link 田丸, 謙二(1923-)
タマル, ケンジ <NC:DA00094503>
classification NDC6:435
classification Science and technology NDLC:PA212
classification Science and technology NDLC:PA51
subject headings 化学反応速度||カガクハンノウソクド
subject headings 触媒||ショクバイ